Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Of Blogging And Art

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything.

Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a servers log file. It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web logging gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater information.

However, with web logging, you still need a web site and domain names, but with blogging, you do not need anything just an account with blog providers. In most cases, these kinds of blogs are free of charge.

With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.

Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a journal, people can write their daily adventures, sentiments, and whatever ideas they want to express online.

Nevertheless, with the advent of the online businesses, blogs had gradually taken the limelight in providing businesses a chance to boost their productivity online. This is where the business blogs have taken the limelight.

Business blogs are, basically, created to advertise the services or products of a certain web site or online business in order to increase online sales.

Moreover, business blogs are also one way of promoting the company so that the other readers will know that a certain company exists online. With blogs, entrepreneurs are able to establish a name in the virtual market through articles that can be very useful in the readers life.

From there, you can make money out of blogs by simply syndicating it to your business web site. This can be done through the RSS technology.

So, if you are thinking to create a blog, whether for business or for pleasure, you need to know some tips that could help you get through and make your blog one of the interesting blogs online.

Heres how:

1. Consider your audience

Even if your blog is generally personal, still, it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them.

After all, most of the reasons of people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be heard (or read) and would love to be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it.

2. Pictures speaks a thousand words

To make your blogging worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would be extremely nice if you will put some pictures in it. It does not necessarily mean you have to place a picture of yourself. Any photographs will do as long as it does not pose danger or insult to anyone who will be reading your blog.

3. Make constructive and beneficial blogs

Even if you are free to write anything you wan to say to the world, still, it would be better to create some write-ups that would be beneficial to your readers.

After all, its information technology that you have there so better be inclined to provide information rather than sheer quirky entertainment.

4. Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs

In order to have an interesting blogs, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs.

Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these lengthy articles.

5. Make it interactive

As much as possible and if your capacity will allow it, make your blog interactive. You can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.

You can even place an area for comments or for some feedbacks. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site.

Indeed, blogs are not created just for the mere fun of it. It also has its own purpose in the world of the Internet. Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.

As they say, blogging is the contemporary term of creative and commercial writing.

Carl Hendricks is the owner of He writes about internet marketing and self improvement.Catlaina Blog50059
Beryle Blog45590

Starting a Business - What do I do first?

Being in the logo design & branding field, we run into a lot of people who are starting up a small company and need to get their promotional items created (business cards, brochures, web site, etc.) A lot of the time it can be confusing knowing exactly what you need to do to start up a business right.

Here are a few tips to make sure you get everything set up right. This is by no means a complete list, or a sequential list, but just a set of recommendations based on some common problems we run into with clients and some lessons we've learned well from our own experiences:

1) Get Ready to Spend Money

It's true that you have to spend money to make money. It may be tempting to go the cheap route, but if you want your business to succeed, I've found that doing it right the first time is worth the money your spend up front. If you try to cut corners, you may not be real happy with the results. Get a loan and pay off these expenses later when you have money coming in. At least you can know that you are putting your best foot forward and you're not sabotaging your business's success over the relatively minimal amount of money you need to spend up front to develop a good image for your company.

2) Pick a good company name

It sounds simple, but it can be one of the hardest tasks you face. You want a name that reflects the services or products you offer, but you also want to be catchy. That's tough. A good trademark attorney will help you with this process, and this leads to a very valuable point: Trademark your company name! This is a painful (and sometimes costly) process, but a good idea because it keeps another company for taking you to court over your name and it keeps other companies from stealing glory from you by resembling your business. If you own a small bait & tackle shop on the edge of a lake in the middle of no where, trademarking your business may not be so important, but we're not all so.... err.... lucky.

There are two primary ways to trademark your business:

Text onlyStylized graphic logoThese are both necessary to protect your name and your logo. Your text trademark will be evaluated to make sure it doesn't resemble or sound like any other registered trademarks. Especially other companies that are similer to yours in what services or products they offer. The stylized trademark takes into account your font, colors and any other graphical elements in your logo. You can't change these things after you apply without resubmitting another application, so make sure you get it right the first time! It'll cost you around $325 to trademark each method. A trademark attorney will help you search for a clear name and logo and file the paperwork for you, although he'll charge you waaaay more than $325 each. You can search for trademarks online at the US Patent and Trademark website here. Then you can submit your application here. NOTE: It can take up to a YEAR to find out if your trademark was approved and you have to pay your filing fee regardless if you get the trademark or not.

At this point you will probably need to get a federal tax ID for your business, or EIN. You also need to file with your local secretary of state to register your business name. You may also be required to get a business license/permit. Here is a good website for people in NC. You'll need to figure out if you want to do business as a sole proprietor, LLC, S-Corp, etc. too. Your accountant can help you with that and you can file online or get an attorney to help you. Then you can get a bank account as a DBA or "Doing Business As" if you are a sole proprietor or get a bank account in the name of your corporation if you incorporate. Usually you need to do business for about 2 years before a bank will let you open a company bank account. DBAs are immediately available to you though. Also note that if you incorporate later, you'll need to get another tax ID and your bank account will have to be closed and reopened with the new ID. Fun!

3) Get your Logo and Branding Done

This step goes hand-in-hand with the second step. Find a graphic design company that does logos, corporate identity and branding and get a logo created that you really like and you feel represents your business well. They should work with your attorney to make sure your logo doesn't conflict with another logo that is already trademarked. This is the building point for all your marketing materials. To have a consistent corporate identity, you want to get your logo on everything you put out there: business cards, letterhead, website, etc. Why is corporate identity important? Why can't you just put out generic marketing materials? Well, you can, but studies show that people need to see (or hear about) your company up to seven times before company recognition occurs. Having consistent branding helps to build credibility and help people remember you. Think "The golden arches" or the Nike "Swoosh."

4) Market your Business

Whether you find a marketing agency or do this yourself, you need to figure out how you are going to promote your new business. Believe it or not, just getting some business cards and a website most likely won't bring a mass exodus of customers to knock down your door. You have to get the word out. There are many ways to do this, such as press releases, phonebook ads, online ads, TV and radio, ads, etc. A marketing company can help you determine where your money is best spent to get the most return on your investment. Your marketing agency will work with your designer to develop good marketing materials like postcards, flyers, brochures, etc. They can also help you figure out where postcards need to be sent and where you can send email promotions to get the best response. Note: Marketing companies, despite what they tell you, are not always the best equipped to design your marketing materials. Some marketing companies have good internal design teams or contract out with good design agencies, but often you can run into pretty unimpressive stuff if you don't get a designer involved.

There are also many other things you can do to get the word out like joining your local Chamber of Commerce, attend trade shows, etc. Networking in this way can prove to be very valuable and it's pretty inexpensive.

5) Run Your Business Well

Well, duh! If you don't do a good job of running your business, all of the above will be for naught. Sure, you'll make a few mistakes along the way, but don't let that keep you from forging ahead. Make sure you get a good attourney to take care of any legal concerns, get some insurance for your company - and you may want to look into disability and health insurance while you're at it. Your accountant can help advise you on setting up a retirement account too. Better safe than sorry!

One of the keys to running any business successfully is to provide friendly and prompt customer service. So establishing a way to handle that up front is important. Impersonal phone systems, busy signals and answering machine messages are usually going to send a cold message to your customers. People are starved for good customer service these days and most people don't mind spending a little extra money to know that they are being taken care of well.

Daniel Trimpey
President of Technigrafa, LLC
Print design, web design and web hosting in Raleigh, NC
toll-free: 1.877.GRAFA.NC

Daniel TrimpeyBerty Blog7720
April Blog29852

Funding A Business With A Bad Credit History

Most businesses have a time in their life when they need funds in order to grow. What do you do, however, when you need the money to grow, but you also have bad credit? Many banks will not give a loan under such circumstances. It is considered a potentially bad risk. Today, there are actually a number of places where you can still get that loan you need. Here are a few things you can do to fund your business venture.

Starting A Business

If you are just starting a new business, as an entrepreneur, then getting that new loan is tied to your own credit ratings. If you have bad credit, the easiest way to get the loan you need is to get a secured loan. This means that you put up something as collateral for the financing. The only thing is, you want to be quite sure that you can pay off the loan, since your house (or car) is probably tied to it.

Higher Interest

An unsecured loan is also a possibility, but you probably will not be able to get as much (probably about half as much, or less) as with a secured loan. Loan agencies look at a credit rating as a reference of your likelihood to pay. If you show them some collateral, this will make them pretty happy. If you do not, you will not come away with as much money. But in either case, a bad credit rating will get you a much higher interest rate.

Loans Available

Although your bank probably will not give you the loan, there are many other agencies available that will. It will be easiest to find them through the Internet, and where you also have the convenience of applying online.

Do Some Comparison Shopping

You should apply for your business loan at a Website where you can get several offers from the same application. This will definitely simplify things. Otherwise, you will need to be filling out many forms - many times. It would be a real good idea to apply at more than one Website, too. Then, after you get the various offers, you need to sit down and take some time to determine which one you really want, and which one is most suitable to your financial situation and goals. By looking around, and not being in such a hurry, you probably can find a good loan with some rather decent interest rates and lower payments, too.

Check The Institutions Credibility

Before you sign the dotted line though, because you are so happy that they will fund your new business, you need to check out the agency to make sure it is a legitimate business. There is a whole lot of fraud going on these days and you don't want it to further effect your credit rating.

Build Your Credit Rating

The best loans, of course, come when you have a good credit rating. You may want to consider the possibility of taking out a small loan first, and pay it off quickly in order to start repairing that bad rating. Keep this loan small because it will have high interest, start to repair your rating, and then go for the bigger loan that has a lower level of interest. There are also other things you can do, too, to get your rating in a good condition.

Joe Kenny writes for the Personal Loans Store, offering UK loans and also information on business loans in the UK.Brook Blog94954
Arlee Blog92465

The Cynics Guide To Becoming An Internet Marketer

Starting out in Internet marketing is very much like taking drugs. The only difference is that marketing can be far less rewarding and dangerous for your health, and tends to cost an aweful lot more.

Like drugs, Internet marketing can be highly addictive and can start to comsume your life so much that you can start to forget to do other normal things - like washing, feeding the dog or picking up your credit card after you've bought groceries at the store.

Just as a drug addict has his pipes, lighters, syringes and so on, so do Internet marketers have their accessories - most notably a computer.

This may be either a desktop - so called because it is used on a desk. Or a laptop - so called because it's also used on a desk because it becomes so hot within moments of turning it on that it will take the skin off your legs if you tried using it on your lap.

Remember - a lap is either something done by a lycra-clan athlete at the Olympics or a pvc-clad dancer in a seedy bar.

Neither involves burned thighs (except maybe friction burns if someone gets carried away at the seedy bar).

There are two important pieces of software every Internet marketer needs on his or her computer.

The first is an email client so you can receive spam, viruses and ezines about how much better than you everyone else is doing.

The other is an Internet browser. This is a device for viewing popup windows, and allowing your partner to see you've really been looking at porn all evening rather than finishing off that report from work you told her about.

Parental controls are of course available to limit what can be viewed online but generally the parents soon get annoyed with the limitations so their children have to unlock it.

The latest tool in the arsenal of the Internet marketer is the blog, which can be defined as a piece of software designed, when used properly, to get you banned by Google as quickly as possible. Ideally within a few weeks. Days is a real achievement and should be celebrated by sending our a slew of spam emails.

Internet marketers live a strange double-life working during the day at their job and running their business at night, hoping some day to be able to quit the job altogether.

The problem is that if and when this finally does happen you won't have an excuse to take your secretary out to dinner and might actually have to converse with your partner - however distateful it may seem to you right now.

Some marketers try to merge their two lives - sneakily reading Internet marketing information at the office when they should be doing their job. If you opt to do this just make sure you don't do something silly like putting the PDF about "How To Fire Your Boss" in his intray, while the new sales figures get taken home for your bedtime reading.

Indeed the best definition of a newbie Internet marketer is someone who spends all day slogging their guts out at a job they hate to earn a few dollars, only to come home and spend the entire night on the Internet getting fleeced for it by people smarter than themselves.

It's a sad fact that newbie Internet marketers come in only two styles - those with money to burn and those who have been in the game for more than a few days.

Indeed it's not long before you find yourself working twice as hard as you ever did before you got into marketing and ending up with half the money you had before.

It's a bit like going out with Paris Hilton as opposed to the ugly fat bird with the lisp and the lazy eye that you see down your street sometimes (generally known as your "wife").

One day, after all your efforts and investments, you'll receive one of those delicious emails all we experts received once upon a time telling you that you've just made a sale.

You'll be leaping and jumping around the house like a madman, whooping and yelling with excitement at having spent the last 3 months of your life and half your annual salary to finally get a commission of $1.22.

That is, of course, until you wake up the baby, who wakes up your partner, who after a lengthy and heated discussion about responsibility, thinking of others, getting up in the morning and other equally dull and pointless topics will give you the silent treatment for the next week to try and teach you a lesson.

This, however, has the opposite effect as it gives you even more time to spend on the Internet as you don't have to try and look interested in talking to your partner.

Unfortunately the edge is slightly taken off the excitement about your commission when the order is refunded two hours later as it was made with a stolen credit card. Even worse when you discover it was the one that you left in the grocery store just hours before...

Copyright 2006 Richard Adams

Richard Adams is the founder of Merchant Account Forum, the world's most-visited site on the topic of how to accept credit cards for your business. Visit him today at: Blog54990
Cathee Blog5545

Cleaning Laminate Flooring Whats Best ?

One of the great advantages that laminate flooring has over other types of flooring is how easy it is to keep clean. Once installed, the after care that laminate flooring requires is very little and extremely simple, and if it is carried out regularly, your floor can be kept looking like new for many years to come.

Generally speaking a simply brush over with a soft headed brush or a very slightly damp mop, is all that is needed when cleaning laminate flooring. Follow this with the use of a vacuum cleaner around the edges of the room, and also around any larger pieces of furniture that cannot be moved, and that is all that is generally required.

Special cleaning pads are available which look very much like a mop, and have replaceable wipes that wrap around the pad which attracts the dust, etc. These make cleaning laminate flooring even easier but can become expensive.

When using a damp mop to clean the laminate, do not use to much water. Make sure you only use enough water to make the mop damp so that it holds the dust, etc., do not soak the floor, as this could cause the edges of the laminate boards to start to expand and the whole floor may start to buckle.

For stain removal, do not use a strong detergent. Firstly, try using just warm water, but again, only use enough for removal of the stain in the small local area. In other words dont over-wet the area. If this doesnt seem to work then try using a mild, non-abrasive cleaner. For cleaning of larger stains, etc. on laminate flooring, use a mop with ammonia or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Where ever possible try to use citrus-based cleaners, and not the conventional soap-based cleaners. When trying a cleaning product for the first time always test on an area of laminate flooring that is out of sight, such as under the cooker or fridge for example. Once youve tested the new product, leave this small area for 30 minutes just to be certain that there are no adverse effects to the laminate surface.

When trying to clean laminate flooring do not use steel wool, sand paper, or scouring powder on the laminate surface, as these will quickly break down the laminate and lead to very early failure of the flooring. Also never try to sand, wax, or apply lacquer to the laminate flooring.

Try to always use a door mat at every exterior doorway. This will help to trap any dirt etc., and also trap small stones and grit which may easily scratch the surface of your laminate flooring. To avoid any marks that could potentially be left by furniture, always use felt pads under the furniture legs, or castor cups under any furniture wheels.

Always read the manufacturers "care" instructions that come with your flooring, and adhere to them. It is important that the correct installation and after care procedures are followed so that any manufacturer warranties are valid.

By following the manufacturers instructions and these supplementary tips on cleaning laminate flooring, your floor should look as good as the day it was installed, for many years to come.

Richard Keech has over 20 years experience working in the construction industry. This article may be republished as long as this author box remains unchanged.Brier Blog6196
Aubry Blog20536

The Art and Science of Computer Game Design

For anyone that enjoys playing computer games, a career and computer game design would be a dream come true. What could possibly the more enjoyable and rewording then designing your own computer game and actually being paid for it? Some designers are paid very, very well indeed. Every fan of computer games has no doubt at least occasionally fantasized having a career in computer game design, as a gamer myself, I have thought about how cool that would be myself.

If you are dreaming of a job in the computer game design industry, the good news is its a huge industry and there are loads of jobs available and it pays remarkably well if you should happen to come up with a hot seller. The bad news is that it is very difficult to learn the requisite programming skills that are required. Getting a degree in computer science is a solid beginning, but there's nothing easy about achieving that either. Of the six friends I had in college that were computer science majors, only one of them has the fortitude to see it through and actually get a degree. It is a grueling major filled with advanced mathematics classes and tedious programming exercises. You really have to be smart, and you really have to be motivated.

If these things sound like something you could handle that a computer game design career may be something you could do. You will definitely need a deep abiding affection for computer games, but that's pretty obvious isn't it? My college friend that got his computer science degree is currently working for a well knowing game design company, and absolutely loves it. He will tell you though, that it is nowhere near the fun and games that he first imagined it would be.

Computer games today have absolutely huge amounts of complex code and can take years to complete. In the infancy of the game industry, computer game design teams often consisted of just a few people. Nowadays, a lot of the games have many different production teams all working simultaneously on a project, with each working in their own field of expertise.

For the really skilled programmers, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Experienced programmers with a proven track record under their belts can not only command a large salary but can have a lot of creative input over the direction of the game.

There are some other job in the computer game design industry and programming does not interest you. Generally, programmers are the most sought after, but good graphic artists and writers can be attractive employees to say game design producers. They may not be paid as well, but they most certainly still make an excellent living in the ever burgeoning industry of computer game design.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog85039
Catriona Blog12718

Car Repair Prices: Why Your Oil Change Is Never Just An Oil Change

For a repair shop, there is little profit in the $29.95 oil change. By the time a shop pays its technician, pays for the oil, the filter, and the hazardous waste disposal fees, theres no money left.

This low profit margin is worsened by the extremely competitive Quick Lube business, which forces local repair shops to refrain from raising prices, despite rising costs.

This all begs the question: If oil change specials, which range from $15.95 to $29.95, clearly produce very low profits, then why do so many service facilities advertise oil change specials?

The answer is actually very simple: It gets you in the door. Service centers know that once they have your vehicle, they can sell you additional work.

Suggesting additional work is called upselling, and its a primary profit tactic of every service facility.

Heres a typical example. You drop your vehicle off for just an oil change. Upon completion your service representative smiles and proudly states, We noticed that your air filter was dirty; so we popped in a new one. You may think "Great; what wonderful service!

What really occurred is that you were casually upsold an air filter. It probably wasnt needed; it certainly wasnt replaced according to any factory recommendation, and you were definitely overcharged for what was most likely a poorly-fitting, aftermarket, inferior air filter.

Heres a real-life example that occurred recently. This particular vehicle had 54,000 miles on it, and was dropped off at a local shop for just an oil change. Upon paying the bill, the customer was handed an estimate for $199 to replace his air filter and top radiator hose.

Shocked at the price, he called me.

After review, I found that the air filter suggestion was premature. It didnt need replacement until the manufacturers recommended 60,000-mile service interval. The top hose was also premature. In fact, it did not need replacement at all, despite a very minor problem easily addressed during the factory maintenance scheduleat no extra cost.

Check out the aftermarket part prices quoted below (including the unnecessary radiator hose). Compare these to the manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) for the factory OEM parts (Original Equipment Manufacturer).

Local Shop Aftermarket Air Filter: $32
Manufacturer OEM Filter, MSRP: $17

Local Shop Aftermarket Top Hose: $36
Manufacturer OEM Top Hose, MSRP: $19

Notice that this local shop was doubling the price of the OEM parts with its inferior aftermarket parts.

Now, lets look at the labor time quoted.

Local Shop Labor Time: 2.0 @ $60 per hour = $120
Manufacturer Labor Time: 0.9 @ $60 per hour = $81

Notice that the shop labor time estimate for the repairs was 2 hours. This is more than "twice" the manufacturers recommendations (even after calculating manufacturer times against the industry standard multiplier).

Had the local shop abided by the vehicles particular maintenance intervals instead of trying to make a quick buck, it should have recommended a 60,000-mile service at the next visit. This would have better served the client, saved him $199, and maintained the vehicle properly.

Instead, the service center lost a customer, forever!

What needs to be made crystal clear is that this type of price-gouging occurs every day in every type of service facility in one form or another across the automotive service industry.

This type of price-gouging is considered normal!

Theodore P. Olson (Ted) Solutions. Beverley Blog56255
Celeste Blog2114

The Journey From USB 1.1 To USB 2.0

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) was first launched in 1996 by a group of IT Companies known as the USB Promoter Group.

This first version was known as USB 1.1 and was a standardized serial connection that aimed to provide a replacement for parallel and serial ports. Intended for mid-speed and slow computer peripherals, it created an intelligent serial bus.

In the early years, many people utilized USB on their own computers and it proved to work well for most applications. In recent years, however, USB 1.1 has proved to be too limited. While USB 1.1 managed to remain useful to more modern technologies, some loopholes in the initial version were pointed as the source of major problems.

USB 1.1 was limited with a slower transference rate of only 12-megabits/ sec. During the rise of the USB 1.1 in the market, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) unveiled the FireWire, also called i.LINK(tm), which had a transfer speed of 400 blazing megabytes per second, then considered a fantastic rate of transfer. This transfer speed made the uploading of a full motion video from a camcorder convenient. It threatened to push USB 1.1 out of the market, as it was not able to compete with this newcomer.

The creation of increasingly sophisticated gadgets and peripherals spotlighted the limitations of the original version of USB. USB 1.1 was not able to fully support the speeds needed to run gadgets like digital movie or video players, mobile phones, video phones, Web cameras, digital cameras, MP3s or digital music players, PDAs and Palmtops.

When USB 2.0 version debuted, with 40 times the speed of the previous version, it offered the capacity to operate most of the newly released technologies.

One of the most important features of USB 2.0 is that it is backward compatible. In other words, USB 2.0 hardware can be plugged to computer's old USB 1.1 port and will function properly because both versions use same plug. USB 2.0 can transmit data at speeds between 1.5 megabits to 480 megabits per second, but if USB 2.0 hardware is connected to a USB 1.1 port it will not attempt to transmit data at its maximum speed of 480 megabits per second. Rather, it will slow it's rate of transmission in order to operate properly and compatibly with the older hardware.

Upgrading a computer to include USB 2.0 ports into a computer is a simple procedure. When USB 2.0 ports are added with a PCI port card, the original USB 1.1 ports are retained and will continue to function normally.

Both USB 2.0 and 1.1 are plug and play. Once a USB device is connected to the host computer, the system will automatically recognizes it. The drivers will then be installed and the system can begin operating the new hardware without the necessity of a reboot. The upgraded technology of USB 2.0 also allows the connection capacity of a single computer to a very large number of devices at once: 127 to be exact.

Both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 have become vital instruments in connecting devices and computers together. If things continue as they have begun, USB will become even faster and more efficient in years to come.

Patricia Williams contributes to several popular web sites, such as and Blog35621
Andria Blog11398

Ivy League Education

For many parents, especially those who reside in the northeastern United States as well as other places, the pinnacle of education is found in Ivy League schools. Their cherished dream and life-long ambition is to send their sons and daughters to these schools, believing that the higher standards of education and social connections available there will likely set up their offspring for life. They are impressed no end by the Ivy League, with its connotations of academic excellence and its reputation for social elitism, and with good reason.

The term Ivy League can trace its roots to 1935, but the term really gained national attention starting in 1954 with the formation of the NCAA Division I athletic conference. With the dearth of professional sports at the time, people became rabid supporters of their favorite college teams and the Ivy League schools were no exception. Today, the term Ivy League is no longer associated wholly with athletics but with educational philosophy as exhibited by the country's oldest schools.

There are eight private institutions that comprise the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York, New York; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Princeton University in the Princeton Borough and Princeton Township, New Jersey; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

There are some characteristics common to Ivy League members, and these give credence to the perception that they are exceptional learning institutions. Ivy League schools consistently place among the top 20 in the US News college and university rankings; they rank among the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment; they are a haven for the country's top-tier students and faculty; and they are perceived to be socially elite.

All of the Ivy League institutions have financial endowments of over $2 billion each and are considered to be among the wealthiest private universities in the United States. Harvard, with a $25.5 billion endowment in 2005, is considered the wealthiest university in the United States and in the world. Incidentally, it is also the oldest university in the country.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog8061
Barbara Anne Blog45346

Finding The Right Math Tutor For Your Teen

Your teen is struggling in math class and you have decided that a tutor might help. How do you go about finding a good one? You want someone who relates well to your student, is knowledgeable, and is able to communicate effectively.

One possibility, and perhaps the most economical, would be a peer tutor. Someone in the same class who is doing well or someone who did well in the course a year or two earlier might be interested in doing one-on-one tutoring. If you choose to go this route, you might ask the teacher for names of capable students.

The high school counselors office is another good place to investigate possibilities. Many times they keep a list of available tutors in different subject areas. And if they dont have a list, many times they will lend assistance in trying to locate a suitable tutor.

A certified teacher or retired teacher can be an excellent choice for private tutoring. Many schools have rules that prohibit a classroom teacher from tutoring his/her own students for compensation, but another teacher in the school or a teacher in another district might be available. Many teachers welcome tutoring jobs as a means of supplementing their income. However, you should expect to pay more for a certified or more experienced person.

If your community has a local college, consider hiring a college student as a tutor. When I was teaching I often referred parents to the chairman of the math department of our nearby college. He always had a list of students that were interested in tutoring high school math students.

Talk to other parents of high school students. Word of mouth can be a wonderful source of information when seeking out the right tutor. That parent sitting next to you at the soccer game might just have found a gem of a tutor who is looking for more students.

You might also consider running an ad in your local newspaper to find a tutor. Of course you want to be sure to carefully screen applicants and ask for references.

Lastly, your teen might be a good candidate for on-line tutoring services. There are a multitude of those services available today and they are growing in popularity.

A word of caution about choosing a tutor for your teenteenagers are such individuals. What works for one student might not work for another at all. Some relate better to a peer tutor, while another might be more comfortable with a college student. Be sure that your teenager is an integral part of the process of finding just the right math tutor. This will help insure that you (and your student) reap maximum benefits from the tutoring experience.

Linda Hinkle is an educator, having taught high school mathematics for 29 years. She wishes to help empower parents of high school students struggling with mathematics. Find more information about high school topics and sign up for her free newsletter at Blog23788
Alisa Blog30344

Umbrellas For Patio

Umbrellas for Patio - Shoppers Guide

Patio umbrellas are an ideal way to keep the sun away when enjoying the outdoors. A patio umbrella will also compliment any outdoor setting. Patio umbrellas are like large versions of average umbrellas and come in many different shapes, sizes, colors and fabrics. There are many different types of patio umbrellas available and all of them have many benefits.

Different types of umbrellas

*Offset patio umbrellas. These umbrellas are designed to create more space under the umbrella. They have their pole off to the side of the umbrella instead of in the middle. This is an ideal alternative if your outdoor table setting doesn't have an umbrella hole in the middle of it. Or you wish to maximize space under the umbrella, another useful thing that an offset umbrella can offer is shade when using just seating without a table, as they are freestanding.

*Market patio umbrellas. These umbrellas are ideal for outdoor setting tables that have a ready-made hole in them for an umbrella. Market umbrellas are lightweight and easy to handle. They come in many different fabrics and sizes. There are also freestanding umbrellas available.

*Patio umbrella gazebo's. This type of umbrella is much like a market umbrella although it has a cotton netting around it that makes it ideal to keep bugs and insects out of the way when outside. Most of the netting is machine washable and the umbrella can fold down easily.

What to look for in a market umbrella

Although there are many different types of patio umbrellas available, there are some very important options available to be considered when choosing a patio umbrella. Some of these are practical as well as enhancing:

* Sturdy design,
* Freestanding options
* Strong pole
* Stainless Steel or Aluminum base
* Nylon hubs instead of plastic for durability
* Easy to fold away and store
* Not too heavy
* Easy to open and close
* Positional tilting
* Non-fade quality material or fabric that is durable
* A reasonable warranty

Depending on the price range that you have in mind and the intended purpose of your umbrella, some or all of these features are ideal when making a choice.

Where to buy a patio umbrellas

There are many online stores with very good reputations that will offer cheap or free postage to ship market umbrellas. They also offer customers very reasonable prices. Check the types of payment options that are available, how long delivery will take and whether they offer insurance to replace damaged items. When choosing an online store, it is advisable to buy from stores that have a very good reputation with satisfied customers. If the item you have chosen sounds too cheap or too good to be true, then it may be.

Other places to purchase patio umbrellas are at patio furniture stores. Most of the stores have catalogues that allow you can browse through the different types of umbrellas available. An ideal time to buy a patio umbrella is when there are sales going on. That way you aren't sacrificing quality for a cheaper price tag.

Daniel Roshard is an interior designer fascinated by outdoor architecture, currently studying gardens and outdoor design. Read Daniels tips and advice articles on home improvement issues at Blog84379
Cahra Blog30401

Benefits of Tankless water heaters

Though the tank water heater system has been available for years, scientists and engineers have determined that there are better ways of heating the water that you use in your everyday life. With a tankless water heater, you can enjoy the hot water that you expect without some of the hassle that you may have grown used to.

Tankless (sometimes known as on demand) water heaters do not store the hot water that you will be suing. These systems heat incoming water while it passes along a series of coils. This system allows the water heater to be much more energy efficient. Tankless water heaters are available in LP, electric, and natural gas models.

More energy efficient

A tankless water heater doesnt use a tank to store water, so it only heats what you will need to use, when you need to use it. This allows your home energy bills to be based on what you actually use, rather than on what the water heater has decided to store in the tank. The energy factor of a tankless system is .69 to .80 while the tank system is only .52 to .59. Clearly, the tankless system design is able to perform more efficiently.

More cost effective

While the initial costs of a tankless water heater may be higher, there is additional information that you will want to consider. A tank water heater system only has a lifetime of nine years, at the very most, while a tankless water heater can last up to twenty years because of its design. The tankless water heater system also maintains an efficiency of 82% over the course of its longer lifetime, while the tank system declines each year because of mineral buildup.

More space effective and safer

With a tank water heater, you need to have a bigger tank to hold more water, but this can take up a lot of space in your home. With a tankless system, you do not need the space of the tank there is no tank. Another concern of the tank water heater system is the fact that it can fall over in the case of an earthquake, necessitating it to be secured to the wall or floor. But the tankless water heater is fastened securely to a wall, lessening the chances of problems in the case of natural disasters and flooding. The tank water heater system is large and bulky, while the tankless system is small and light making it easy to install too.

More sanitary

With a tank water heater, you are storing warm water until it is ready to use. However this system creates the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and other germs. With the tankless water heater system, the water is always left cold until it is ready to be heated for use much healthier for everyone drinking or bathing in the water.

Longer lifetime

Without the worry of mineral buildup, the tankless water heater system is made to last twenty years without lessening in its efficiency. With the tank water heater, you will notice a decrease in efficiency over the much short lifespan as minerals build up from storing water in the tank.

Dont run out of hot water again.

But what most homeowners want to know is whether they will have hot water when they need it. With the tank water heater, this isnt something that can be easily predicted. However, with the tankless water heater system, you can always expect the water that you need at the temperature that you want.

Helaku Dyami is a market analyst with He is a specialist regarding tankless water heaters and their comparison with regular storage tank heaters, and writes extensively on the advantages of tankless hot water heaters.Bertha Blog39159
Alfi Blog22923

Learning Spanish Easily

Methods for Learning Spanish Easily

Do you want to learn Spanish but you are worried that it might be too difficult or time consuming? Well, youre not alone, but there is good news for you. There are a many methods that can make learning Spanish easy and can also be a lot of fun for you too! This article will walk you through a number of practical ways to help you learn Spanish easily. You can choose one, or experiment with several ways, that you find suitable for helping you learn Spanish.

Technology Helps To Learn Spanish

We all earn in different ways and now, with the help of technology, learning Spanish or any language, is easier than ever. And we all have the added benefit of learning in the way that is best for us. We can watch, listen or read. And what's even better, we can take our lessons with us with the help of our mobile gadgetry. Lessons, books, and programs can be downloaded to MP3 players or played in our cars, or on portable DVD players. We can learn in our leisure time or in our travel time or even in our study time. So, let's explore some of the ways learning Spanish can be made easy.

Learning Spanish is Easy

Learning Spanish need not be viewed as a difficult task, because it is not. You can always use the following methods:

Watch TV/ Videos in Spanish Hearing the Spanish language spoken often will help you to absorb it, and will reinforce your level of your understanding of the language greatly. You can listen to news in Spanish, see Spanish movies without subtitles (so you can concentrate on the dialogues), and you can even watch cartoons. All these will help you learn the language faster and easier.

Study abroad You can consider living in a Spanish-speaking region. It is very easy to learn Spanish if you are immersed in the language or are exposed to it constantly. Of course, the best way is to forget you know any other language, concentrating only on Spanish only then you will be able to progress quickly. Conversation will make learning Spanish very easy.

Get a home tutor If you learn better with constant guidance and at your own pace, try to hiring a home tutor. This could be rather expensive; however, it is very convenient and it makes learning Spanish easy because you always have someone who can correct and guide you and teach you properly.

Make a Spanish-speaking online friend You can learn Spanish easily while chatting with your Spanish friend(s). The fact that you are making a new friend will make the process even more interesting and easy. As long as you are motivated to talk with your friends, you will be more motivated to learn and it will seem effortless.

Use bi-lingual books There are a lot of books, which use bi-lingual texts. This helps to simplify the learning process a lot. Many people learn Spanish easily with the help of these types of textbooks. Of course, you will need to read a lot to build your vocabulary.

Use tailor-made software programs There are many great software programs designed specifically to help the learning process go smoothly.which can help you. Some of these software programs guarantee that you will learn Spanish within three months and are specifically designed for speed learning. Many people have benefited from adopting this method the world over. You can try it out too.

Debbie Flores is an editor for the website where she has more articles about learning spanish and different methods to help people learn Spanish quickly and eaasily.Belle Blog47291
Allison Blog27184

Private Yacht Charter Or Cruise Ship Which To Choose?

The summer cruise season is once again upon us. Time for cruise lovers everywhere to choose their yearly cruise vacation. Or, for you cruise first-timers, to decide to finally take the plunge and go on your first cruise.

For first-timers and seasoned pros alike, most people assume that in order to sail the world's oceans and rivers you have to sign up with one of the major cruise lines. While cruising with one of the majors is the most common way to sail, there are other options available, such as chartering a private yacht.

Before the money alarm bells start going off in your head, it might help to know that in some cases a privately-chartered yacht might make financial sense, particularly if you have a larger group of people who will split the cost of the charter. And, charters vary widely in price. For example, you can charter a yacht cruising Florida and the Bahamas in the winter and New England in the summer from $15,500 per week for 6 people. That comes out to just over $2,500 per person. Of course, there are pricier yachts you can charter for $385,000 per week for 12 guests and a crew of 13. A yacht like that comes equipped with fishing equipment, snorkeling equipment, water skis, 3 waverunners, kneeboards, 2 kayaks, gym and a Jacuzzi. Again, prices vary widely. You may be amazed at what you'd find in your price range. Some private yacht charters also offer cheaper deals if you agree to cook your own food rather than have a chef onboard.

Benefits of Private Yacht Charter over Major Cruise Line


On a major cruise you have lots of company. Over 2,000 passengers on many cruises. With a private yacht charter it can be just you and under a dozen other people, often times just your friends and family. Besides you and the other passengers, the only other individuals onboard would be the yacht crew or staff. This might not only include a captain and other onboard hands, but it may also include a maid or a private chef.

Perfect for Small Gatherings:

Private yachts are ideal for small business parties, casual business meetings, romantic getaways, honeymoons, weddings, and even family vacations. It's hard to hold a business meeting on a large cruise ship with all the noise and activity going on around you. And, a private yacht charter allows you the opportunity to get closer to your loved ones without other people getting in the way.


You may be able to go swimming, scuba diving or snorkeling right off the yacht. Jumping off the ship and into the ocean is not something that's encouraged on a major cruise ship. Neither is fishing. But, on your own private chartered yacht, that is also an activity you, your family and friends can enjoy.

Health Considerations:

Every year it seems there's news of some outbreak of something on a major cruise ship. With all the people aboard, it's much easier for infections to be spread around, no matter how hard the crew tries to keep everything clean and disinfected. With the small number of people on a private chartered yacht, you have less chance of coming in contact with pathogens.

Benefits of a Major Cruise Line over a Private Chartered Yacht


While you can find a private yacht charter that won't break the bank, a vacation with a major cruise line is still probably cheaper, even for an ocean-view balcony room. And, if you book early enough, you're often offered an upgrade when your cruise date nears.


A major cruise ship offers an incredible amount of activities, such as movies, dancing, yoga, exercise classes. Many have onboard casinos and numerous swimming pools. If you're bored reading or watching the scenery, there's always an activity scheduled.


While taking a vacation on a yacht with 8 other people sounds nice, you may not be able to escape these same people during the day on a private yacht. On a major cruise there are so many activities that people can go off and do their own thing without always bumping into each other.

When deciding between a major cruise ship and private chartered yacht it helps to sort out what you really want on your vacation. Do you want the opportunity to see beautiful scenery at a minimal cost, or are privacy and being catered to an important consideration for you?

Should you decide to look into chartering a private yacht, you might wish to go through a yacht charter agent who has knowledge of the different companies offering chartered yachts. Choose an agent who is a member of one of the yacht broker's associations, such as the AYCA, the American Yacht Charter Association, or CYBA, the Charter Yacht Brokers Association.

Shari Hearn is a writer and creator of several travel sites, and http://www.topvacationspots.netAnnaliese Blog97520
Ailis Blog88048

Bad Credit Tenant Loans: For The Monetary Needs Of Tenants

Tenants do not have to suffer anymore like earlier times, when because of no ownership of assets they had no option to approach in times of financial need. The situation has changed. Now tenants with bad credit are also given specially designed loans called bad credit tenant loans. They help these tenants in taking care of their needs.

Tenants are the people who do not own a house. They live with someone else. Tenants are also divided into various categories like council tenants, house association tenants, private tenants etc. you may be living with your friends, relatives or parents to be called as a tenant.

Bad credit tenant loans are available to tenants for any personal usage. It can be used for a vacation, wedding, education, debt consolidation, car repair or home improvement.

Being unsecured, bad credit tenant loans do not demand any security. So the tenants do not have to worry about collateral. Due to this, all the risk is borne by the lender of the bad credit tenant loans. Also, this feature makes it a fast loan as there is no security check required.

While borrowing bad credit tenant loans, the borrower should be very careful about the amount that he has to borrow. He should keep his repayment ability in mind and only then borrow. Timely repayment of bad credit tenant loans will also help him in improving his credit history.

Through bad credit tenant loans, the borrower can borrow ₤1000-₤25000 from the lender according to his repayment ability. This money has to be repaid in duration of 6 months to 10 years. The rate of interest can be fixed or variable according to the choice of the borrower.

Online researching can help the borrower in getting quotes from various lenders. The tenant can compare them and choose the best deal that suits him.

Thus bad credit tenant loans help the tenants when they need money even if they have a bad credit history. They can avail monetary help and also improve their credit history with the help of bad credit tenant loans.

Turk Malloy works as financial advisor in Argtenantloans. He is offering loan advice for quite some time. To know more about Bad credit tenant loan, arg tenant loans, unsecured tenant loans, instant tenant loans, no credit check tenant loans visit Blog81411
Aleece Blog25408

Computer Service Contracts - Moving From Customer to Client

Computer service contracts are the butter of a computer services business. The difference between having a computer service contract and not having one, is what defines the difference between a customer and a client. As a business owner you want clients - people who are on long term computer service contracts.

Your goal is to move your customers into computer service contracts and begin a long term, stable relationship with them. The customers that you are in contact with several times a year should be very receptive to at least a small computer service agreement.

These are the customers you should spend time trying to convert. Make sure you keep in contact with them on a monthly basis. Let them know of special offers you are making and any discounts you have on computer service contracts. If a customer is calling you several times per year then they should benefit from a computer service contract. Outline to them what their savings would be.

Ultimately, you would like to have computer service contracts with everyone. That won't be possible. But even a $500 computer service contract gets them to raise their hand. They are indicating a willingness and ability to pay on a regular basis. This is what your business will thrive on - one regular, paying customer at a time.

Bottom Line on Computer Service Contracts

Computer service contracts are golden to your computer services business. When you set up a computer service contract you are solidifying a long term relationship. For customers who aren't on a computer service contract but very easily could be - it is wise for you to keep in regular contact with them. These customers have the potential to turn into clients so you need to do whatever it takes to make that conversion happen.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too with free proven computer consulting secrets at http://www.ComputerConsulting101.comBrigid Blog69285
Caitlin Blog48276

A New Ceiling For Your Home Improvement Project?

The proper preparation is a vital necessity for any home improvement project. Any preparation involves a few aspects. First, the job must be identified and the results you wish for decided. Next, the materials necessary to complete the job satisfactorily need to be purchased. Tools need to be gathered in order to get the job done, and finally the proper treatments need to be applied to the area that is destined for improvement before the new materials are put into place. These methods hold true for any improvement project, whether it be remodeling a bathroom or installing new cabinetry.

This article specifically deals with the preparation involved when a home owner is putting together an improved ceiling. It will take you through the steps and offer suggestions on specific areas.

Before beginning your ceiling project and before hitting the store for paint, make a check list of all the things you will need and see if they are available in your house right now. You will definitely need, at the very least, a ladder, sponges, brushes, paint, thinner, plaster, rags, sandpaper, roll trays, rollers, masking tape, and sealers. Once you have determined what you have on hand and what you will need to purchase, take a trip to the hardware store.

At the store, you will also want to select the paint that you want to use for your ceiling. Some considerations here include the different hues, tints, and shades available, along with the cost of the paint itself. Some factors to keep in mind are what the different types of paint have to offer. Glossy paints are the easiest to keep clean, while sheen paints are much more durable than other types. These types of paint are therefore the best suited to high usage areas that involve a lot of vapor, such as hallways, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Flat paints, also called eggshell paints, are harder to clean, and so they should be used in areas that do not see a lot of material floating up to the ceiling, such as living rooms and dens.

Once you have returned home with your materials and your tools, set up your work area. Keep the area around the ladder free of materials in the event that you or something you are holding should fall. Before commencing work, remove any attachments that are on the ceiling, such as lights, fans, and vents. Next, repair any holes or dents in the ceiling before painting. If plaster is required, make sure to give it time to dry. Now, you are ready to paint. Most ceilings will require at least two coats; those with textured ceilings will find that the material soaks the paint right up, and thus several coats may be required. If you have problems with your neck or back, it is probably best to hire someone to do the job, as when you are painting a ceiling you are constantly looking and reaching upwards.

Ken J. Morris very often writes articles on issues similar to cabinetry and cabinet doors. His articles on kitchen cabinet refacing can be found on and also other online publications.Andeee Blog11681
Alfreda Blog64530

The Vibrant World of Black And White Digital Photography

Classics are classics because they never go out of fashion. This explains why black and white photographs are deemed classics. They still hold good against the influx of color all around them. But for many, black and white digital photography is a less-trodden, little-appreciated and much underestimated domain of photography.

But thankfully, patrons and connoisseurs apart, black and white photography has recently acquired quite a fan following courtesy the digital cameras and their Black and White mode. People have suddenly discovered the "magic" of black and white photography. The timeless appeal of black and white photographs has caught on and people have come to appreciate its stark but shipshape appearance that exudes polish and sophistication.

So if you want to join the legion of black and white photograph fans and try your hand at some serious, thought-provoking and beautiful black and white digital photography, it is worth remembering a few handy tips.

- Those who were looking for an easy way out should remember that minor alterations in the color profile of the color editor doesn't translate into a breathtaking black and white digital photograph. The black and white setting of the camera is also by no means a one-touch means to a striking black and white snapshot. Be prepared to tinker with a few controls on your digital camera.

- Understand that a black and white photograph is actually an amalgamation of gray tones. This realization will in turn help you to grasp the basics of filters, known to bring in startling results in your black and white digital photograph.

- In your wanderings through your digital camera setup you must have come across a number of filters. Unknown to many a digital photographer, these filters can be used to produce dramatic black and white snaps. For instance, you can experiment with various filters to see how they affect a particular color in the context of a black and white setting. A red filter over the lens will make the red shades in the picture appear as light gray tones and you will end up with skies that look ominously cloudy.

- The scope of black and white digital photography is not only about portraits and landscapes. There are thousand and one things that you can express with black and white photographs. So the next time you have the digital camera in hand, focus on abstract shoots. Treat black and white digital photography, as a mode to portray the world in a different light and you will never be short on potential photography subjects.

- If you still haven't got the hang of how to produce realistic and spectacular black and white digital photography with only the camera as your aide, you have numerous image-editing software packages to give the finishing touches. Your crude photographs will get the most amazing makeover.

Step into the wondrous world of black and white digital photography and discover the vivid colors, emotions and moods that these two colors can portray.

Connie Fillmore is a successful writer and publisher of photography related issues, for more informative articles go to Blog85039
Bathsheba Blog24700

Why Shoppers Use Internet Coupons?

Many people are desires to buy certain things or obtain certain pleasures from life. The fact is that only a small portion of people succeed in doing this. Many of them have to abstain from making unnecessary expenditures due to their mediocre financial condition. Our desires keep increasing even though they are limited by lack of adequate funds.

In order to boost their sales, most companies have introduced the concept of discount coupons. These coupons offer a discount of nearly 25 to 50% concessions on your purchase. With these coupons in hand, even a person making his living on undersized pay packets can also fulfill some of his desires.

In the earlier days, discount coupons were offered through newspapers, magazines, etc. however, these days; internet coupons have become very much popular. These are usually found on the websites of the companies. These require you to fill some personal information in order to obtain the discount coupon. The various advantages of online discount coupons are:

Unlike the coupons from magazine and newspapers which can be used only once, online coupons can be used any number of times.

Customers can download coupons easily from the company website and this increases the popularity of the company.

It is easier and cheaper to obtain discount coupons on the internet as you dont have to buy newspapers or magazines to get them.

These help the buyers to save a lot of money.

The advantage of using online discount coupons for the customers is that they can test a new product using coupons at the discounted rate.

With the reach of the internet expanding day after day, it is now the best method to reach out to your customers. Every second there is a customer searching for one product or the other on the internet. They are also looking for ways to minimize their expenditure and save some money. So by providing free online discount coupons, your product and your company will come into the view of the customer and hence your business flourishes. It is a very good way to increase your clientele. This is such a fun and innovative way to promote ones business. All the top retailers advertise savings for their customers online. Small businesses are finally grasping the concept.

So every company, new or old must provide online coupons so that its business increases and the customers also benefit from it.

Cathy Peterson writes about , and Blog47356
Cacilie Blog68589

Why Are More Adults Turning Towards Online Education?

Over the last few years, online education has become a very popular concept. There are literally thousands of adults who have chosen to improve their lives by turning to online education. With this recent surge in popularity, many individuals are asking why so many adults are choosing to earn a college degree over the internet. Although the concept may seem strange at first, after understanding more about what online education really is and all the benefits it has to offer, it is easy to understand why so many adults are choosing online education.

To begin with, one of the most obvious benefits provided by online education is flexibility. When attending a traditional college, you are forced to go to class on the schedule that is created by the college. This makes it impossible for many adults to attend a traditional university. Whether it is an obligation such as a full-time job or taking care of a family, a traditional university is not very conducive to a busy schedule. However, a program of online study does not have the same drawbacks that a traditional university does. Online education allows you to obtain a college degree on your own terms and schedule. Instead of needing to go to class three times a week, you can study on your timeframe. Whether you prefer to do your class work early in the morning or late at night, you have the freedom to create your own study schedule. This is one of the several benefits that makes degree programs a very popular option for adults.

The flexibility provided by online education is not the only thing that makes it a popular choice for many adults. Online education is also very popular among adults because of the financial benefits it can provide. Traditionally, the cost of education at a regular college or university is extremely expensive. The reason for this high cost includes factors such as paying for utilities and other maintenance related expenses. However, when paying for an online course, the costs associated with traditional education are not present. Because you are not actually receiving your education in a classroom, you are not responsible for paying for the upkeep of any facilities. This makes online education a much more economical choice. Although online education does not require as much of a financial investment, this in no one means that the education you are receiving is any less valuable or rewarding than that provided by traditional universities.

In addition to the benefits discussed above, there is another factor that makes online quick degrees education a popular choice among many adults. Online education provides adults many choices in what program of study they will follow. Regardless of what you are interested in, it is almost guaranteed that there is an online education program which fits your interests. The amount of programs available online provide a significant advantage over traditional forms of education. Before the advent of education, many people had to settle for the programs of study that were offered by institutions which were close by. If you wanted to study something unique or very specialized, the only way you could accomplish this was by physically moving to a new location which was closer to an institution that offered this program of study. However, thanks to the internet, this is no longer an issue. For more information about online degrees visit

A significant number of adults have turned to online education for various reasons, and there are several factors which make this a very positive decision. In addition to being economical, flexible and broad, an online degree is a guaranteed way to improve your position in the workforce. Whether you are looking for a promotion or hoping to be interviewed for higher paying job, by choosing to earn an degree through the internet, you will be joining many other adults who have also made the choice to improve their lives through online education.

Harris Jhosta is holding the market experience of IT industry and immense business solutions for about 2 decades now. His vast experience in the related field gave him the acclamation and renownship in many sectors of business. Harris has also been involved in providing educatinal services in form of various seminars and lectures, in many well renowned universties. Presently carrying a research on the evolution of business performance by the advent of Information Technology Ciphers in the state university of california.Berget Blog82721
Anjanette Blog32851

Dont Upstage The Bride With Your Bridesmaids Jewelry

Has your friend asked you to be a bridesmaid in her wedding? Have you already purchased your attire and now you have been left to find your bridesmaid jewelry all on your own? It can be difficult to determine what you should and should not wear, but by simply taking some cues from the bride, your dress, and from your own personal style you can look and feel good on your friends big day. While you dont want to upstage the bride you can make an effort to really look your best.

The first thing you will want to do is look at the attire for the big day before choosing your bridesmaid jewelry. If the dress has a very low cut top then you can choose a longer necklace that will accent the cut of the dress. But, if you are wearing something with a very high cut neckline you may want to choose a choker or a very short necklace, or nothing at all. If the bride wants you to wear your hair in an up do you may want to choose an earring that is longer, yet if you will be wearing your hair down you might want to go with a shorter earring or just a stud. Similarly, you may not want to wear bracelets and rings if you will be wearing gloves, but if you wont be wearing gloves you might be able to enhance the whole look with these bridesmaid jewelry pieces.

When you are shopping for bridesmaid jewelry you will want to think about the color of the dress and what will enhance it best. You might want to choose semi precious stones, or you could go for pearls, as they are a classic wedding jewelry selection. Feel free to choose beautiful bridesmaid jewelry, but keep in mind that you dont want to upstage the bride in anyway, and this includes your jewelry. You can be beautiful too as long as you keep in mind that you are there to support your friend on her most beautiful day.

Before shopping, you may want to talk to the bride about what she would prefer or not prefer in the way of bridesmaid jewelry. Most brides will allow you to do whatever you want to do with jewelry, but it is a common courtesy to check with her to be sure that you are not going overboard or doing something that will make her feel uncomfortable. A good rule is to choose jewelry that is attractive, but not too extravagant. Every bridesmaid can look and feel beautiful without stealing the stage from the blushing bride!

Michelle Lindsey writes about society, fashion, weddings and jewelry for http://www.silverlandjewelry.comBrynna Blog5461
Blisse Blog61234

Always Choose the Best Mobile Phone by First Viewing the Latest Mobile Phone Reviews

Mobile market is flooded with mobile phones with latest styles, shapes, and designs. With so many new models in the market, mobile users have got a variety of options to choose from the crowd. They look for the new styles and latest 3G features in their mobile phone apart from the brand name.

Of late, mobile handsets from Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and LG, etc., have launched a variety of models with all new and the latest 3G features. Latest 3G features include video calling, video recording, digital camera, MP3, etc. Manufacturing companies are trying to launch the latest models and features to compete with the market demands. Motorola V3i, Nokia 6680, Nokia 'N' series, Samsung X660, Sony Ericsson W550i, LG chocolate phones, etc., are among the latest handsets that are very much in demand in the UK market.

The latest 3G features include video calling facility wherein the caller will be able to view the person on the other side during their talk. Other 3G features include high mega-pixel digital camera phone to capture special moments, video recordings, and the Internet service to connect you all over the world anytime, anywhere. MP3 facility enables you to listen to your favorite songs and also download songs of your choice. Mobile network providers are also competing with each other. Though all are in the same fray, customers are getting benefits from these services. Mobile Network Companies like Three, T-mobile, Vodafone, Virgin, O2, and Orange are available in the UK with their quality services.

To Choose and see latest handsets having all 3G features and get connected with the network as well as with Mobile Phone Reviews

Carly Charu is the webmaster and specializing in the different genres of mobile phone reviews and mobile phone networks.Annabelle Blog17826
Bunny Blog81557

Argumentative Paper

Argumentative paper, as the name sounded is putting arguments in papers. As the writer, you can state your disagreement about a certain issues and try to give your point of views about the issue in your argumentative paper.

An argumentative paper usually required to take a stand. To argue something from a loose ground will only make your argumentative paper vulnerable and ineffective. Hence you would have to decide your ground and hold strong to the stand before you can start arguing or even to persuade the other to stand on your side.

A good argumentative paper means more than just to make the readers to believe in your arguments. It is also to won over the readers t start believing in your statements made in the paper. Therefore, you should state your own opinions in an argumentative paper clearly and objectively. You must show evidence to support your statements and comments. It is, however, not to show that you are an expert in the field, but at least to prove to the readers that the statements made in your argumentative papers are not merely after thoughts.

To be able to write a strong argumentative paper, after taking a strong stand, it is essential that you start doing thorough research about the topics surrounding the issue. This is to arm yourself with more than enough knowledge about the topic that you are arguing and also to show that you are actually capable of making any sort of arguments at all about the topic.

Besides, you must also study other writers arguments for and against the same or similar topics. By knowing what other authors had argued about the topics will give you some ideas on how to present your supporting evidence in favour of your position on the topic as well as anticipate and deflect arguments against your position. This can help you to better imagine and visualized what are the opposing or objections that the readers might make. And it is also to avoid the folly mistakes to make arguments that already been made before and already over and done with.

In fact to make your argumentative paper better, you can even start addressing those imaginative objections that are most like would be voiced out by the readers. This would indicate that your argumentative paper are convincing and also diffusing the confidence to the readers toward your paper.

Then, you must, of course, state clearly the reference that you had used or the arguments that other respective or eligible authors had made. This is to also make your stand stronger. But bare in mind for not overdoing it, too much of quotations or in text citation would also reflecting your lack of confidence about your own statements, if you did make any.

After all and all, the ultimate goal in an argumentative paper is to persuade other successfully, not just to agree with what you are suggesting, but also to start believing that what you had argued are absolutely true beyond any reasonable doubts. There are various resources in the internet that actually provide better guidance about how to write a good and strong argumentative paper.

Sharon White is a senior writer and writers consultant at Term Papers writing.Catlaina Blog97178
Alice Blog54075

Market Cycles: How To Thrive In Different Market Conditions.

Every market goes through trading cycles. There is no exception to this. Be it the Stock Market, The Futures or the Forex market. They all go through different phases. In this brief article, I wish to point out the different phases in the Forex market, identifying which, will help the trader know when to stay in the market and when to stay out.

Range Days: Historically, it has been seen that nearly 80% of the time, the market stays in a range. Range days are when the currency stays at a certain price limit and trades within it. For example, on a typical range day, the GBPUSD will stay within a low of 1.9600 to a high of 1.9675. This maybe the case for a day or, at times continue the whole week before a breakout appears. This is also called as “Calm before a Storm”.

Rally Days: Again, historical studies have proved that the market rallies only about 20% of the time and when it does, it creates new trends and levels. Rally days usually happen when price breaks out of the range and establishes a new high or low.

Strange Days: Strange days are those days when the market hardly moves at all. It is as if the financial world is on a vacation and simply not interested in trading. This is a rare phenomenon, yet is one of the phases of the market. Usually, when a market is well below the usual daily range, it is classified as Strange Days.

Here is a bit of statistics to help understand the market phases better. I have listed below, the 4 major pairs and their daily average range.

GBPUSD - 122 pips Daily Range

EURUSD - 84 pips Daily Range

USDCHF - 96 pips Daily Range

USDJPY - 78 pips Daily Range

In the above examples, when a pair falls below the daily movement, it is considered to be ranging and when it is way below it, it is considered to have entered the unknown land. If analyzed over a week, Range days occur at least 3 times a week. Generally 70-80% of the Mondays are ranging days.

Similarly, Rally days occur when price is above the normal daily range and happens only about 20% of the time in a week. The best day in the week is Tuesday, followed by Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday, historically has had the best rally days.

Again, strange days occur less than often, and when price stays well below the range and when there is little movement. They happen, once or twice a month and are times when one should stay out of the market.

Lastly, I should add that the best days to trade are Tuesday and Wednesday followed by Thursday and the days to avoid trading are Monday and Friday.

Althaf Ahmed has been trading the forex market for 2 years. He runs an educational blog at where he shares popular articles from different authors around the world, provides trading resources and tools, and has a free mentoring program for aspiring traders.Alena Blog78898
Berty Blog7720

Personalized Christmas Ornaments, Timeless and Cherished Gifts for Any Occasion

Ever heard the saying great things come in small packages?

Personalized Christmas ornaments can be purchased with the recipients name on it or with a personal message such as Worlds Greatest Dad or #1 Dad. They also come in a variety of different themes, such as sports, hobbies, weddings, graduations, engagements, expecting mothers, birthdays, birth of baby, and other special occasions.

A personalized ornament is not only a beautiful Christmas tree decoration, but a unique keepsake gift that captures a snapshot in time of precious memories and the events of ones life.

Perhaps youve struggled to find the perfect gift for someone or run out of ideas of what to get. A personalized Christmas ornament is a relatively small and inexpensive gift, but it leaves a lasting impression, huge smiles and becomes a priceless treasured possession to the one that receives it.

Other reasons you should consider giving someone a personalized Christmas ornament:

It gives you the opportunity to convey a personal message to your recipient.

It adds a special personal touch to your gift giving.

Increased perceived value. The recipient is more likely to hold onto something with their name on it and with wonderful memories attached to it.

Becomes a timeless gift that can be used for years and even passed on to future generations. Every year that one decorates their Christmas tree with your precious gift it is viewed to the delight of the entire family.

Like a signature scent a personalized ornament is a constant reminder of your heartfelt sentiment.

Bryna Bell is the owner of the worlds finest and beloved selection of personalized Christmas ornaments for any occasion at http://www.ornamentswithlove.comCathleen Blog11928
Cam Blog13107

Why Should I Have Data Recovery Software?

If you are like most other computer users, you have probably some time accidently deleted some of the important data or documents from your computer. The good news if that there is data recovery software out there that is capable to recover the data you have lost, there is no reason to despair. Since data viruses have been a part of computer users' everyday life there are chances that a virus program would have deleted some of your important data from your system. Software used for recovering data is your assurance and functions pretty much the same way as an insurance policy.

There are lots of programs available in the market for recovering your lost files and for those files that were once rendered inaccessible. Data recovery software can

"undelete" files or information that have previously been deleted

recover any information lost after uncontrollable instances like virus attacks, power cut, software failures and more.

Since we all know how unpredictable technology can be, we must always be prepared for the worst scenario.

One of these recovery programs are called "GetDataBack". This is one of the most popular software for data recovery. It is one of the best selling pieces in the market today because of the frequency that people are losing valuable pieces of information and valuable files. This software functions easily, as do most other recovery software products, to recover entire drives. You can achieve this just by clicking a few buttons.

Are there data recovery services available?

There are also lots of data recovery services or so called "hotlines" that can be called to help assist you with recovery of some of your lost data. It is always helpful to have a little knowledge of your computer system because this helps you to describe the problem adequately to the customer service operator of the data recovery company and they can give you as much information as poinal settings in the computer.

Data recovery is defined as the process by which lost data is retrieved from a damaged or infected hard drive or any other piece of computer or electronic equipment. Computer users today use a special software for data recovery to get back the lost information from their personal computers, business computer systems, cellular phones, Blackberries, and any other electronic systems that store vital information. There are also cases where data simply disappears for no obvious reason at all. However, the software meant for data recovery can back the data to normal.

If you are an active computer user, it is important to have a backup plan and a good software for recovering data in case you lose your data accidentally or due to a virus sweep. Data recovery software is a must for your business and very important for computer amateurs as well.

Greg Eiskins is a writer and internet publisher who likes to publish data recovery and related info. Read more at the website Blog65064
Carri Blog71868

Long Term Care Insurance Policy

Most young people ignore the fact that they will grow old one day. It is the wise ones who not only think about it but also provide for their future. Statistics show us that almost one out of two Americans require long term care when they grow old. Due to immobility and illness people become dependant on families and institutions to carry out normal daily activities such as dressing and bathing.

Long-term care refers to a system where this can be taken care of in your own home, a hospital, a home center or an assisted living facility. It could be a reality to many who have led a strong and active life earlier. This is why its importance is growing each day. Most Medicare programs and State Medicaid programs do not provide the necessary facilities for payment. Some only cater to those who fall below the poverty line. Therefore, it is prudent to consider applying for a Long Term Care Insurance policy early in life.

If you have worked all your life and have made a substantial saving, then perhaps you can fund your own long-term care. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky and therefore long-term care insurance is very vital to secure a safe future especially for those who have a history of health problem in the family.

Like for any other policy, it is best that you know all the details prior to buying one. Often times, people forget that premiums for life insurance policies increase over time. This makes it difficult to pay especially when there is no enhancement of the financial situation. Thus, policies are cancelled when they are needed most because policyholders cannot continue to pay high premiums. It is easy to get drawn into buying a policy because market savvy sales executives make it sound so easy. But, it is up to the individual and insurance advisors to properly instruct prospective customers.

One sure way of protecting yourself is to be sure of all the terms and conditions given in the long term care insurance policy document. If the insurance sector is not your cup of tea; you could hire an agent or a broker who will act on your behalf. They will be experts on quotes, claims, processes and other issues. You need to also be careful on selecting the right broker at the right cost. Long-term care insurance not only provides security for you, but for the entire family. So you can take their advice before buying a policy. Remember, to choose an insurance company that is reputable and trustworthy. You can take it for granted that sales people will only state the benefits of a policy. They will not tell you the flip side of the story. Do not rely on brochures and other sales oriented literature to make your decision.

To summarize, a long-term care insurance policy can be used for different types of long term care such as skilled nursing, intermediate nursing and custodial care. The kind of care you choose largely depends on your physical health and situation. This kind of insurance is definitely worthwhile and affordable when you think of life beyond 65 years of age.

Robert Lawrence co-founded, an insurance quote shopping service -, in 1999. He has been a licensed insurance agent in New York State since 1990.Cammi Blog3116
Annaliese Blog32276

Healthy Weight Loss - The Truth about Dieting

Very few people realise that nearly 100% of people who lose weight through a diet program put that weight back on even more quickly than before. Read on to discover why our health departments are now saying that even healthy diets should be avoided.

In the first month of a diet the weight you lose is mostly water and muscle weight. As soon as you go off the diet, those are replaced with more fat! In addition, almost no-one can stick to a diet because it is so out of kilter with the person's familiar eating patterns. The very act of dieting both lowers metabolic processing, and increases food cravings. No wonder that three years after going on a diet, over 95% have put that weight back on or are even heavier!

Nevertheless there is no doubt we have a serious weight problem. In Australia the latest National Nutrition Survey showed that we have 45% of women and 65% of men overweight. Over the last 20 years our obesity rate has doubled to 17% of men and 19% of women. According to the National Health & Medical Research Council paper Acting on Australias Weight our children are 2-3 times more likely to be obese, as their rates have also doubled since the 1980s.

The costs of overweight are enormous: over $700 million dollars of the public purse, and over $500 million spent attending diet or weight loss clinics. Our hospitals are clogged with people who have diseases which are a consequence of overweight: heart disease, metabolic disorders, diabetes, oedema, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, cancers of the endometrium, biliary system disease and respiratory problems. The cost in loss of life is even worse. Every year in Australia we lose many thousands of people to the effects of overweight. We also lose thousands of young women every year dying from dieting diseases such as anorexia and bulimia.

So not only does dieting not work, it's dangerous, and we can no longer afford to tolerate a culture of dieting.

The following are a list of health problems caused by dieting, all of which are thoroughly backed by worldwide consensus research:

1. Diets have been linked with fatal eating disorders, particularly amongst children, and particularly amongst children of mothers who have dieted.

2. Weight loss dieting can cause health problems and can even lead to gall bladder disease and emergency surgery if the decrease is too rapid.

3. Dieting has been linked with lowered libido. Diets can wreck a wonderful sex life and a great relationship!

4. Diets usually cost money, money that could have been spent on lovely new clothes or family treats. If diets worked, this would be a wise investment, but the problem is, the weight loss effects are merely temporary and the damage done by dieting persists!

5. Diets often dont provide correct nutrition, leading to problems with concentration and memory and also decreased well-being, lowered immune system and more illness.

6. Food deprivation causes food cravings that become so intense that sooner or later everyone busts out of their diet! At this point the myth of willpower is shown to be the awful lie that it truly is.

So why diet? It doesnt work. It causes problems. And theres a much better way!

What is this better way? Certainly we now know that healthy weight loss does not involve any special eating regime or exercise regime. Instead the best weight loss programs will ensure that a thorough study is made of how the person behaves and the lifestyle choices they make when they are NOT trying to lose weight. This is the realistic baseline that we're starting from.

Often we find that if the person is fairly active and not overeating too severely, that it is something very small that is nevertheless making a very big difference in weight. It could be that they're eating or drinking something on a regular basis that they had no idea contained so many empty calories. The caf latt is a perfect example, as some of these can add up to as much as half one's daily calorie needs! One of these each day could easily add 0.5 kg per week in excess weight. Many people are surprised to learn that it only takes an excess of just 250 calories a day for most people to accumulate an extra 11 kilos of fat every year!

Or it could be that the person has reduced their physical activity level by giving up some sport or activity that they enjoyed and need to give themselves permission, even as adults, to get out there and play and engage with life again. This should not on any account be confused with an exercise regime. This really is about PLAYING and genuine pleasure is the key.

So this is why we should focus on healthy weight loss practices only, and really look at what choices people are making, and why they are making them, before we even begin to construct a plan, not by imposing it on someone, but by working together as a team to build an informed, customised, workable and permanent solution.

Finally, the compulsive and addictive components of weight loss have been so poorly understood that they've been ignored totally, leaving the poor overweight person out of control with cravings. Until now there has not really been a satisfactory answer to cravings, but by using modern deconditioning methods, people can now learn to literally switch off these cravings, quickly and permanently. I hope after reading this article that you would never again consider dieting, and instead look at the real reasons for your weight issues, and real solutions for healthy weight loss! Thank you for reading.

Christine Sutherland is the owner of , an information-packed resource for people who want healthy weight loss from real, permanent solutions. You can view more interesting articles, videos and audios on the WeightChoice web site.Beret Blog27985
Ardys Blog94507

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